Get Elements By Class

We include our ‘core’ library, in the header

    <script src="../Include/Core.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

The function ssGetElementsByClass() takes in a class name and returns all the elements with that class. It works a bit like document.getElementsByTagName(), but is more flexible.

    function prepareAlerts()
      var anchors = ssGetElementsByClass("alert");
      for (var aCount=0; aCount != anchors.length; aCount++)
        ssAddEvent(anchors[aCount], "click", showAlert, false);

It can additionally take in an element and a tag name as parameters, and if so will only return child elements and those which match the tag name

    var objSideBar = document.getElementById("sidebar")
    var anchors = ssGetElementsByClass("alert",objSideBar,"a");